“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”— Søren Kierkegaard

Well hello.

It’s been a while.

I’m sure you can work out what’s been happening over the last 18 months.

Anyway… I have some new content to share! Better late than never, right?

A few months ago, some friends and I set ourselves a joint writing challenge. We each had to write a short story, which we would then share together on one of virtual Saturday night gatherings.

To help get the creative juices flowing we each chose three prompts – an object, a place, and a feeling – which were then randomly assigned to other members of the group.

The prompts I gave:

  • A plastic plant pot shaped like a human head
  • The bottom of the garden, where the wild things grow
  • Angst

The prompts I received:

  • A house key
  • The Vatican
  • Awe

All three of our prompts had to be included in some capacity within the story, we also had to include a character that was based on, or named after, someone that we all knew – other than this we were free to write whatever we liked.

Some of the content is a bit weird / dark / NSFW for general reading, however, I have a few that I’ve got permission to share.

Up first: Belladonna – watch this space.

If you did anything similar over lockdown I’d love to hear about it – drop me a comment below 🙂

Anniversary update!

Well hello there friends. Today marks exactly three years since I decided to put my love of reading to good use and start a book blog. What started with a fairly mediocre review of Jude the Obscure, has seen me through good books, bad books, self published novels and classic texts, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

There seemed like no better day to break my recent radio silence – I won’t make any excuses, you know the score, I’m a busy lady – and bring you a little update, the bad news is that I don’t have a review to share with you today, for that you’ll have to check back tomorrow. I start as I mean to go on!

But I can give you a little taste of what’s to come over the next few months, as I’ve recieved a few little treats while I’ve been gone.

I’ve got two, yes, two, awesome new book boxes from my dear friends Prudence and the Crow. As always, they are marvelous. I am particularly excited by April’s offering, The Kingdom of Carbonel, which, if the cover is anything to go by, promises to be wonderfully spooky.

But PATC aren’t the only ones who have been sending me a little book-shaped gifts. I also recieved this delightful little care package from my super-awesome friend Jacleen, a tiny little taste of life in California.


Yes, ladies and gentleman, that is a signed photo of a real life cowboy alongside a book about how to secure yourself a your own personal wildwest stud muffin, what more could a girl ask for?

Nothing, that’s what.

Don’t get too excited though, you’ll have to wait a little while before you can read my thoughts on all these sexy cowboys and ghostly goings on. For now, get ready for tyrannical rats, magical circuses, tragic nymphs and little women.

Over and out.



Spring treats from Prudence and the Crow

Another month, another treat!

This month brought with it the beginning of spring. I know storm Katie has given the countryside a battering this weekend, but between the wind and the rain there have been burst of blissful sunshine, during which I have felt full of the joys of the season.

N.B. Cambridge is currently experiencing a rather windy spell and I am actually curled up with my reading room with a pot of tea, wearing long johns and a thermal vest.

I was delighted, as always, with my haul from Prudence and the Crow, and, even though I am currently still reading, and loving, January’s book, I can’t wait to get started on this month’s book!

This month I have been treated to Green Smoke by Rosemary Manning – a delightful, or so I’m told, tale about a young girl called Susan who goes on holiday to Constantine Bay in Cornwall: the best place in the world for a holiday. One day, while climbing on the rocks, and exploring the bay, she stumbles upon something nestled in one of the many, mysterious coves – an extra-special secret, in the form of a big green dragon. As luck would have it, he’s a rather friendly creature.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to read some more of Swallows and Amazons, and maybe to take a little nap – it is Easter weekend afterall 🙂

#savetheculture – book exchange!

If you are on social media you may have already heard about the #savetheculture movement. If not, never fear, I am here to tell you all about it.

Basically, it’s a way to share books with other booklovers in a sort of ‘pay it forward’ kind of way. You send out one book, and, depending on how many people get involved, you could receive several in return, and it all takes place using the power of social media!

Last week on of my Facebook friends posted a status asking if anyone wanted to get involved – obviously I jumped at the chance.

So here’s how it works:

When you respond to a friend’s #savetheculture tag, you get given an address to send a random book to, you then share the hashtag yourself, and anyone that responds gets given the name and address of your friend, they then do the same and share your name and address.

It’s that simple!

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Head on over to google and give #savetheculture a little search and you’ll see there are loads of people doing it already. If somehow you don’t have any friends who are already taking part, then you can start it off yourself by giving out address of a random book-loving friend – but you should probably get their permission first!

I wasted no time in sending out one of my favourite books – a book I recommend to everyone, and have absolutely no qualms about sharing with a stranger – and I absolutely love the fact that no one knows who sent it 🙂

I know what you’re thinking, how can you be sure you will get any books in exchange for your kind deed? Well, you can’t. It all depends on other people getting involved, but to be honest, the prospect of sharing a book with a stranger was enough for me.

That said, I can’t deny I was pretty excited when today, a whole eight days after I added to the #savetheculture chain, I received a mysterious package in the post

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I’m so excited to have recieved any books at all – two in one is an absolute bonus – and they are both books I’ve never read. Best. Day. Ever.

So there you have it, if, like me, you like spreading the word about really good books, then this is a great way to get your recommendation just that little bit future, and, if nothing else, it is sure put a smile on a fellow booklover’s face.

Now, get out there and #savetheculture!

February cheer from Prudence and the Crow

I know, I know, February ended yesterday. In my defence I have been incredibly busy – there was this trip to Germany, multiple training courses and then I got obsessed with a computer game, it’s just been crazy!

This month’s – or rather last month’s – box of treats, as usual, did not disappoint. Prudence and the Crow have clearly picked up on my love of children’s literature, and are doing their best to introduce me to all sorts of wonderful names and stories.


And, as luck would have it, this one came with another inscription!


I wonder how old Trevor is now…

Perhaps I’ll ponder that over a cup of nighttime tea 🙂

To beat the January blues…

January is by far my least favourite month, I try not to be so negative but, it really is just awful. It’s long and gloomy, and spring is still months away. I hate it.

I know material things shouldn’t make a difference…


This really helped lift my spirits.


It’s like a little care package, with everything I need to hide away until spring (or at least February).

I know I get one every month, but they still make me smile and this month is extra special, as it contains one of my favourite things in the world: an inscription!


I’m quite pleased.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to dream up all sorts of personalities for Rhiannon Parfitt.

New year, new update!

Hi boys and girls!

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year with your loved ones.

I know, I know, I suck! I’ve been really rubbish the last month and haven’t posted a single update!

You see…

The run up to Christmas was insanely busy, what with 12-week reviews, gift shopping, chest infections, and preparing for a long-haul flight (which, it turns out, makes me rather anxious), and I very much needed to take a little time off – I do hope you will forgive my radio silence!

Excuses, excuses.

In other news, we’ve just come back from an amazing few weeks in Hong Kong!

In my time away I drank Champagne in the highest bar in the world, got purposely elbowed in the face by a Chinese woman, fell over – twice, saw a real life giant panda, and ate more strange things than I would care to admit (sea cucumber is definitely an acquired taste).

But you didn’t come here to read about my festive antics, did you?

You’ll be pleased to hear that in my absence I surmounted quite the pile of books to review, so I’m going to have a very busy start to the new year. It’s a good thing I am feeling so wonderfully refreshed 🙂

I also returned to some very welcome packages from my good friends Prudence and the Crow!

November’s box


December’s box


While I’m over the moon with both my books, I’ll be placing November’s choice on the bookshelf for now, purely because I reviewed all the Chronicles of Narnia not that long ago, but I can’t wait to get started on December’s choice:

Redwall – Brian Jacques

It is the start of the Summer of the Late Rose. Redwall Abbey, the peaceful home of a community of mice slumbers in the warmth of a summer afternoon. The mice are busy preparing for the great Jubilee Feast. 

Bust not for long. Cluny is coming! The evil one-eyed rat warlord is advancing with his battle-scarred mob. And Cluny wants Redwall. 

Needless to say, I am thrilled with the prospect of another vintage children’s book to sink my teeth into – especially as it comes with a personal recommendation from Prudence.


Here’s wishing you all the Happiest of New Years 🙂

There will be many, many reviews to follow.

Monday motivation

There is no better way to start the week than with a special delivery from Prudence and the Crow.

Added bonus – it’s Halloween themed! Amazing!


Prudence and the Crow – August subscription

It’s that time of the month again!

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I’m over the moon with the latest book, The Mouse and His Child by Russell Hoburn. I’ve been really craving classic children’s literature of late so I can’t wait to get started on it. What’s more, included in the box was a sachet of my new favourite tea, Buttermint (I had a sample in my first PATC box and let Prudence know how much I enjoyed it). This box goes to show that PATC are tailoring the boxes to suit me, which is exactly what you want from a subscription like this!

I could not be happier 🙂

Beerwolf Books, Falmouth

I’ve just returned from a brief visit with friends down in Cornwall and am feeling wonderfully refreshed and recouped. There’s nothing quite like a stay in the country to help clear your mind and recharge your batteries.

During our stay we spent a couple of days in Falmouth checking out the many vintage boutiques and used-book shops, while stopping for an occasional ‘snifter’ in one of the local watering-holes. One such stop found us in a cosy little public house nestled down an alley behind the bustling main street. Now, each of the pubs we visited in Falmouth had its own special charm but this one was by far my favourite.


Beerwolf Books is not like any old boozer – it is a bookshop and public house combined, and consequently one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. Every pub should be like this one. I know a lot of pubs these days have bookshelves in them, but I’m not talking about a Wetherspoons with a dusty collection of random texts that no one has ever so much as glanced at – Beerwolf Books is just as much a bookshop with beer as it is a pub with books.


Upon entering the building, a steep central staircase brings you to a small room with shelves crammed full of books, which are available to buy from the bar, or simply to read during your stay. While there is a definite nautical/Cornish theme to a lot of the books there are also contemporary texts, classic literature and a great selection of children’s books and graphic novels. Spend a little time perusing the shelves and you are bound to find something to tickle your fancy.


Outside of the book shop, the cosy bar provides the perfect atmosphere to unwind with your choice of tipple and literature. If you are feeling less than boozy you can curl up with a cup of tea, but the bookshop/coffee-shop combo has been done many a time before, and it seems a shame not to take advantage of the array of ales and ciders on tap.


Obviously I couldn’t walk away empty handed. I’m not sure how I could I possibly justify NOT buying a book from a place like this. I was drawn, as is often the case, towards the children’s section and spent a while leafing through the local gems that were on offer before settling on this stunning hardback.
